Long slow distance

Long slow distance (LSD) is a form of aerobic endurance training in running and cycling.[1][2] Physiological adaptations to LSD training include improved cardiovascular function, improved thermoregulatory function, improved mitochondrial energy production, increased oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle, and increased utilization of fat for fuel.[1] Ernst van Aaken (1910–1984), a German physician, is generally recognized as the founder of the long slow distance method of endurance training.[3][4]


Joe Henderson

Long slow distance running was promoted as a training method by Joe Henderson in 1969.[5] Henderson saw his approach as providing an alternative to the dominant school of training for distance running which he called “PTA school of running – the pain, torture, and agony” approach. He documented the success of six competitive runners who followed in one form or another an LSD training regime, sometimes combining a few more strenuous workouts with the regular long slow distance running with weekly mileages ranging from 50-60 to 120–150 miles per week, with marathon personal bests between 2:14 and 2:50 hours.[5] In addition, there are ultra-marathoners who use a similar method for training.[6] A typical 5k runner might consider 8 to 10 miles of LSD, while a marathoner might run 20 or more miles. LSD runs are typically done at an easy pace, 1–3 minutes per mile slower than a runner's 10k pace. The objectives of these runs are to build blood volume and to increase muscle strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. One method is to run at your maximum aerobic heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 180 and making minor adjustments according to age and training.[7] According to sportswriter John Brant in his 2006 book Duel in the Sun, almost every serious distance runner in the early 1980s used Lydiard's system of building an endurance base with many miles at an aerobic pace before running shorter distances at an anaerobic pace.[8]

Henderson’s book was not only directed at competitive runners, but also at runners who wanted to have fun running. He writes, “LSD isn't just a training method. It's a whole way of looking at the sport. Those who employ it are saying running is fun – all running, not just the competitive part which yields rewards.” [9][10]

An ethos for recreational running

During the 1970s running boom, many recreational runners used LSD as a basis for training.[11]

An example of the LSD approach is provided by the Honolulu Marathon Clinic. Its founder, cardiologist Jack Scaff, used a long slow distance approach for training tens of thousands of marathon finishers. Over a period of nine months, the Clinic promises the possibility of finishing one’s first marathon. The method is completely LSD—long runs at a talking pace—“the minute you can’t talk,” you are going too fast.[12]

Starting out with an hour run three times a week and building up to weekly averages of 40 to 60 miles a week for the last three months, thousands of graduates of the program have found that they could complete the full Honolulu Marathon which is held every year in beginning of December. The clinic’s approach can be seen from its original Rules of the Road[13]

The rules:
  • No fewer than three runs per week
  • No more than five runs per week
  • No less than one hour per run
  • No farther than 15 miles on any run
  • One run per week lasting two hours or more (after month 5)[14]

A variant of the LSD approach is to combine running slowly with walking breaks.

"It has been found that average runners will have more success if they take regular walk breaks.
"The strategy is unusual in that it doesn't involve simply walking when you are tired. Walk-break runners force themselves to stop even at the beginning of a run when they are fresh." [15]

An example of such an approach is provided by the running clinics organized by Jeff Galloway[16] In running circles, John Bingham aka the Penguin, is a well-known practitioner of LSD combined with walking breaks.[17]


Advocates of LSD runs point out that if a runner wishes to increase his or her speed, interval training or speed training is recommended.[18] Henderson uses races as speedwork and is a proponent of speedwork in limited quantities. The recommended ratio of normal running to fast running is between 10 to 1 and 20 to 1.

The scientific literature (e.g.,[19]) indicates that high-intensity training can provide greater benefit than moderate-intensity endurance training. The U.S. Army is reducing the use of long runs in its physical training programs.[20]

See also


  1. ^ a b http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/aerobic-endurance-training.html
  2. ^ Burke, Ed and Ed Pavalka. 2000. The complete book of long-distance cycling: build the strength, skills, and confidence to ride as far as you want. Rodale ISBN 1579541992.
  3. ^ Morris, Alfred F. 1984. Sports medicine: prevention of athletic injuries. University of Michigan ISBN 0697000877
  4. ^ Anderson, Bob and Joe Henderson. 1972. Guide to distance running. Indiana University.
  5. ^ a b Henderson, Joe (1969). Long, Slow Distance. Mountain View CA 94040: Tafnews Press. On line copy
  6. ^ Jannot, Mark (April 1996). "A Slow Train to Fitness". Outside Magazine. http://outside.away.com/outside/magazine/0496/9604bsft.html. Retrieved 2007-05-25. 
  7. ^ Calculating your maximum aerobic heart rate<
  8. ^ Brant, John (2006). Duel In The Sun: Alberto Salazar, Dick Beardsley, and America's greatest marathon. Rodale. pp. 62. ISBN 1594862621. http://books.google.com/books?id=RCxj_PUyvycC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Duel+in+the+Sun&cd=2#v=onepage&q&f=false. 
  9. ^ Henderson (1969). Long, Slow Distance. Original Introduction
  10. ^ Henderson would later write that he stopped using the "misleading term" shortly after the publication of Long Slow Distance. (see: Henderson, Joe. Marathon Training (1997), 1st edition, Human Kinetics, ISBN 0-88011-591-2
  11. ^ Glover; & Shepherd (1978). The Runner’s Handbook. p.1
  12. ^ Moore, Kenny (27 February 1978). "The rules of the road". Sports Illustrated: 62. [1]
  13. ^ Scaff Jr, Jack (1988). Your First Marathon. p. 7
  14. ^ Today, the Honolulu Marathon Clinic offers a shorter form of the rules:
    • Train for at least an hour, three times a week.
    • Train no more than four times a week.
    • Pass the “talk” test while training.
    • Drink water every 20 minutes HMC
  15. ^ Parker-Pope, Tara; This Jogging Method Turns Out-of-Shape Into Runners Wall Street Journal, 25 May 2007. Access date: 2007-05-25
  16. ^ Galloway, Jeff (2001-12-21). "Running Injury Free with Jeff Galloway". http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/walk_breaks.html. Retrieved 2007-05-25. 
  17. ^ John Bingham, retrieved 2007-05-25
  18. ^ See for example: Galloway (1984) p. 58
  19. ^ Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc. (1996) 28(10):1327-30
  20. ^ Military Playing Down Long Runs, Adopting More Diverse Fitness Programs


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